The Functional Medicine approach in our office is based on the Kalish Method which focuses…
Functional Medicine / Lab Testing Functional Medicine uses a variety of laboratory tests to determine…
Acupuncture is the placement of needles along designated lines of energy that flow in the…
Chinese herbal medicine is the use of herbs in the treatment of many different conditions…
A variety of remedies are offered to assist with emotional issues such as anxiety, depression,…
Auricular Acupuncture uses a multitude of ear points to relieve symptoms all over the body.…
Battlefield Acupuncture is a specific ear protocol of 5 needles placed in predetermined points which…
Electro Acupuncture is quite similar to traditional Acupuncture in that the same points are stimulated…
Release muscle tension, reduce pain, promote circulation of qi and blood with Acupressure. No needles…